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Andy Hall, Saxophone Instructor 

Lessons Policies/Handbook 





-Beginning Tuesday June 29th I will begin opening up for summer lessons for students.  Lessons will be scheduled by a sign-up on a google doc, which can be found in the following secure area HERE.  I will post available slots for July, and then for August before the month begins and send this out in an email.   


-Lessons can be IN PERSON for any vaccinated student at my house, and for anyone who would like to be virtual, on ZOOM, you are more than welcome to do so.  Please indicate when you sign up if your lesson is IN PERSON or VIRTUAL.  Zoom Link is in the protected area above. 


  • There is no minimum or maximum amount of lessons that a student needs to take, you can sign up for a lesson in any open spot.  If spots run out and you would like a lesson, just e-mail me to set up a time with me.

  • Please pay for lessons electronically at the beginning of the month for the lessons that month.​​

  • All summer lessons will be 1 hour, ($50/60 minutes)


  • For Zoom directions and Link, click HERE 





  • I will reserve a weekly time for you with lessons uniquely designed to meet you or your child’s needs and enhance musical and personal growth. I will call upon a variety of educational resources and musical styles to help each student achieve their goals and grow as a musician.  Each lesson will build on greater musical understanding, technical ability, and emotional expression. I will work with you to set short-term and long-term goals, and develop good practice habits. My studio is a positive, enthusiastic, and encouraging environment where students and parents support each other through thoughtful listening, skillful playing, creative exploration, and personal development.

  •  I will prepare and give thought to a student’s development outside of their lesson time.  In addition to lessons, I will provide opportunities for exchange and growth through group studio master classes, mock auditions, and studio recitals.

  • I will keep in good communication with you by phone/email about student development and growth as we work together towards optimal learning.   Please notify me if there are ever concerns. 


STUDIO EVENTS (for regular students)​​


  • Studio Masterclasses:  These classes are when a student prepares a piece of music to perform for either me or a guest teacher.  They will perform the piece in its entirety (or a section), and then receive live feedback based on their performance.  These are meant to be a learning experience both for the audience and the performer.  Students are encouraged to attend even if not performing.  Dates TBA.


  • Studio Recitals: Studio recitals are meant to be celebratory, and a showcase of what a student has learned in the semester.  Dress is semi-dressy but comfortable, and each student will take a turn performing for each other.  I am still in considerations of how I might handle this to make it an online activity.  I would like to have one recital this semester.  If the use of an accompanist is applicable, the additional cost will be split between the student and I.  Dates TBA.


  • All State Preparation: All students who are eligible are encouraged to audition for All-State band in the FALL.  EVERYONE HAS A CHANCE!  Before the All-State band audition, I will organize a mock audition class in which all students auditioning are welcome to perform for each other and get feedback from me and their peers.  This is an opportunity to play under pressure and prepare yourself in the best possible way for your audition.  Dates TBA.


  • Solo and Ensemble Preparation:  I will be providing recital opportunities for students to perform their pieces they have worked up for solo and ensemble.  I will guide students in picking our repertoire, and will allow students to borrow the original copy of scores on the day of solo and ensemble.  I will also make myself available for additional coaching with piano or for coaching a small group ensemble on designated days at a rate of $50/hour.  This can be split up among members of the group that is preparing for solo and ensemble.  I will do my best to be at solo and ensemble the day of, pending no prior-scheduled performance dates.   




  • Students are expected to arrive to lessons on time with all books and materials on hand, having practiced the assignments from last class.  Students should not cram and try to prepare all their materials the day of their lesson.  Their embouchure (lip muscles) can be fatigued and the lesson can end up being unproductive.  Music practice takes consistency and sleep to truly pay off.

  • On time at my house means: Arriving 10 min early, reed on and working (you may play in the living room outside of my studio), music organized and in hand, ready to start your lesson.  Late arrivals cannot be adjusted to move into a later time (The lesson will end at its scheduled time).

  • On time at your house means: Student should be playing and warmed-up for at least 10 minutes upon my arrival.  The lesson starts as I arrive.  Should I be late due to unexpected traffic or other glitches between houses, student should keep playing/practicing until I arrive.  Time changes vary a bit due to different travel conditions each day but students will get their full lesson time starting when I arrive. 

  • Daily home practice is expected for true progress.  Of course life happens (and time can be made up on other days or the weekends), but at least an average of 30 minutes of practice a day is expected to make substantial progress in the long-term.  Students who practice this much or more will see exponential results, and will become the best musicians around in their age group. Studio masterclasses and recitals/performances are valuable and participation is strongly encouraged!

  • I ask that my families respond promptly to emails and correspondence, and let me know of any changes at home or school that may be affecting the student. I ask that my families make music an active part of their family culture as much as possible!   




  • I will provide emails and links to purchase when a student is in need of pedagogical materials, like music and method books.

  • I will often provide photocopies of supplemental work.

  • I will send emails and links to purchase with recommendations on upgrading saxophone equipment such as reeds, mouthpieces, ligatures, and instruments.




  • NEW students:

    • If you are trying out lessons for the first time with me, your first lesson is free, and you may have lessons on a per-lesson basis before committing for the remainder of the semester.

  • When students enroll they are reserving their place in the studio for the entire term (or remainder of term if new student). Please give me as much notice as possible if you are relocating or discontinuing lessons at the end of the term.  In extreme situations I may consider refunding part of tuition, at my discretion.  (An unexpected prolonged sickness, a sudden move for work, etc.)

  • Students who choose to not participate in lessons for a term are welcome back at any time, pending available space for them.  I receive request for lessons regularly so I might not be able to fit the student back in. 

  • The summer term will be a minimum of 4 lessons, all one hour in length.  These lessons will be scheduled by sign-up and will be located at my home only.   You can sign up for more lessons if you would like, there is no maximum.   Students choosing to not participate in summer lessons are welcome back in the fall, pending space in my schedule (students taking summer lessons are given priority).   Sign-up will be posted on my website and by email.




  • Tuition is charged by the term. It covers not only  lessons per school-term semester, but also my time preparing in addition to associated fees for recitals, group classes, master-classes. 

  • You can choose to pay in full, in halves, or monthly.  Due dates will be listed clearly on website.   Collecting payments prior to due dates allows me to spend the entirety of each lesson focused on music with you or your child and prevents forgetfulness on your part. It also helps me to organize my bookkeeping with many students, and gives me a consistent income across the school year. Thank you for making this possible!  

  •  Extra lessons in addition to our set amount can be scheduled pending availability at at the same rates listed in tuition document.




  •  Students are expected to be at their regular lesson every week with the following exceptions: ​

    • If I need to cancel a lesson after the term has started due to illness, important professional opportunity, etc.  While rare, I ask students and parents try to be flexible and find another time for the lesson.  If we cannot find a time, lesson will be refunded.

    • Makeup days that are clearly marked in the calendar.

    • Breaks (Holidays and/or professional engagements) that are clearly marked in my calendar. 

    • Students are allowed three reschedules per term, makeups can only be on designated makeup days (first come-first serve), and in other lesson time slots that are empty.  You can have one last-minute reschedule and two additional reschedules (24 hours or more notice).  Additional reschedules are at my discretion, pending availability, and ample notice.  I ask everyone try keeping potential conflicts at a minimum, and choose an appropriate meeting time.

    • Makeup house visits can only be rescheduled in other empty house visit slots (posted with one-week notice), or at my home.  A house visit is not guaranteed for a reschedule but the tuition remains the same.  

    • Force Majeure:  Snow cancellations and other weather-related cancellations by either party does not alter the price of tuition.  Those lessons can only be made up in the summer block, with a maximum of two allowed.

    • Because I am an active performing saxophonist, I’ve designed each semester’s tuition to include a few weeks when I am away and unable to teach the regular lesson due to performances. Any additional lessons owed because of my absence will be made-up before the end of the term or refunded.


With more than 24 hour advance notice, I will try my best to reschedule lesson-conflicts at a time that works for both parties. Keep in mind however that with a studio of 20-30 students, this is often an immense and constant challenge, and takes considerable time on my part. I expect that you will hold your regular lesson time free of constant conflicts, as I will for you.  




  • I will do my best to accommodate a lesson time change needed by a possible sport schedule change, but I ask that we try our best to find a time that can help avoid this.  I also ask that we try to keep a lesson time change down only once per term, and that I get at least 2 weeks notice on the pending needed change.   



  • Please reference the calendar that I will be posting on my website regularly it notes the days I am away, studio events, holidays, and will hopefully be a helpful visual reminder through the year.   

  • I will also post a shortcut list of dates for the semester.




  • Occasionally I take photos or videos of my students for their own development, and also for use in educational presentations and online posts for other teachers. I will have a personal/studio website this year, and I would love to feature my students and their achievements! These videos/photos are helpful to the pedagogy field, and are often motivating for the students to see as well. If you do not want your child’s images to be used, please let me know. Students are identified only by first name.

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